Thursday, May 8, 2014



This is my backup forum. These days, I'm active at posting about hacking little embedded Linux plug computers :)



  1. bodhi

    If you are wiling to create a couple Debian install pogoplug scripts like doozan had done and explains. Up to date, and maintain them for 3-5 months. For BOTH pogoplug V4 and E02, then:

    I will lend you (for testing, but need sent back):

    1 PogoPlug V4 (bricked, may need serial connect to fix)

    1 PogoPlug E02 (not sure it’s bricked, but no ssh, might boardroom still?)

    1 PogoPlug E02 (can login via ssh but only to Linux Pogoplug #81 Tue Oct 19 16:05:00 PDT 2010 armv5tejl unknown)

    I will GIVE you (to keep):

    1 PogoPlug P22 (because I have one, can’t hack it, and would rather it be in good hands to give potential than sell it on eBay)

    I will PAY you (by PayPal):

    $20 USD (sorry, I know it’s not much, but start a webpage for scripts and ask donations via paypal?)


    It needs to be Debian. Arch or any other linux is great additions, but has to work for Debian in a script.

    Any “unblock” hacks you find (SATA boot, etc.) that doesn’t involve soldering a TTY is great, and needs to be documented if found.

    Any possibility to run “script” during install should be done so it’s open, if weirdness happens (don’t need to be published unless there is something odd).

    The scripts you write to do this should be maintained for at least 6 months after solution is found (unless very “serious” problems occur, like PogoPlug forces and update on hardware that can’t be backdoor hacked).

  2. PC,

    If you're still around, sorry for not responding:) I did not receive any email notification about new posting on this blog. And since it is my backup blog, I did not pay attention. In any case, I'll see what I can do about this (I already have all the plugs that I need to test). Thank you for the offer. But I'm not accepting any donation at the moment.

  3. bohdi,
    Didn't see any place to post a message to you. Just wanted to say thanks and let you know that I made a contribution instead of buying you a beer. You're an inspiration, man!

  4. Hey Paul,

    Cool! my pleasure :) Sorry I did not check the blog (It's a backup blog in case we have problem with Jeff's forum). And for some reason, I never got notification about new posting on this blog!


  5. Duh! I do receive notification about new comments on this blog, after all :) damn google gmail :))
